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Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum β


Octavia is a female Navigator in service to the Night Lord's First Claw warband.[1]

Born Eurydice Mervallion, she was in service to a Rogue Trader but captured by the Night Lord warband of Vandred Anrathi and enslaved under the new name Octavia. As a valuable asset due to her ability to navigate the Warp, her life was not as harsh as the other slaves in the service to their Chaos Space Marine masters. During her time in Night Lord's service, she was close to the servant of Talos Valcoran, Septimus. During the course of the many adventures of First Claw, Septimus and Octavia fell in love and manage to escape from their servitude during First Claw's fateful last stand on Tsagualsa. It is eventually revealed that Octavia is pregnant with Septimus' child.[2]
