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Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum:Getting started

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This article is a short instruction to write and edit texts in the Lexicanum according to the corresponding rules.

Important: Nonobservance of the following rules will lead to a reversion or even deletion without comment of your contribution.

Most important rules

  1. Use only approved and correct sources: no fan-made Fluff (background), only official material (this includes all publications by Games Workshop, their subsidiaries and licensed parties).
  2. Every sentence/ paragraph has to be marked with a footnote (see below) which has to be linked to the correct source.

Editing of articles

Formatting of single words

  • Internal links: [[Word]]
    (i.e. square brackets around the term). By adding a vertical bar ("|") the displayed text of the link can be adjusted (e.g. to use the correct grammar or to avoid repetitions). Example: [[Text|displayed Text]]. In addition it is possible to extend the ending of the the link term without changing the link itself, e.g. one [[Regiment]], several [[Regiment]]s. More information can be found in the help article Internal Linking. Important: New internal links must be tested by clicking them and checking that they lead to the correct article. In some cases one term might describe several different articles (see Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum: Disambiguation), i.e. you have to directly link to the correct article.
  • Write in bold type: '''Word''' (i.e. three apostrophes in front and behind the word)
  • Write in italic type: ''Word'' (i.e. two apostrophes in front and behind the word)
  • Write in bold and italic type: '''''Word''''' (i.e. five apostrophes in front and behind the word)
  • Indices top or bottom: <sup>top</sup> or <sub>bottom</sub>

Formatting of sentences

  • To create a linebreak like this
    you use the break command: insert <br> or </br> at the end of the line.
  • If you want to list items you insert an asterisk ("*") at the beginning of the line. This will appear in yellow at the begining of the line (see left).
    If you wish to create a numbered list you insert a number sign ("#") at the begining of the line. Indented lists are created by inserting multiple asterisks (e.g. "**").
  • To prevent that a formatting is actually displayed: <nowiki>[[Example]]</nowiki>
    In the final text this will be displayed as [[Example]]. Important: This must not be used in articles, only use it on help and talk pages.
  • To display a sentence within a box (to emphasize it) you insert a space at the beginning of the line. Important: This must not be used in articles, only use it on help and talk pages. It is also important to pay attention that no spaces are left at the beginning of lines inadvertently.



Creation of new articles and editing of existing articles

  • If the article that you want to create does not show up anywhere as a link, you can create the link yourself by searching for the article (see navigation bar on the left ("Search") and screenshot below). Please do make sure that you write the article name correctly. Then you click on "create this page" and you are automatically forwarded to the page where you can create the new article.


  • If you want to edit an existing article click on "edit" in the top navigation bar.
  • Important: Do not copy copyrighted texts into the articles, always rewrite them yourself (at least 30%).
  • Important: Always write complete sentences, not only catchwords (this does not apply to lists within an article).
  • Important: Write factually and objectively (as seen in other lexica and encyclopedias).
  • Before you start you should search for a similar article to check how its is written and designed.
  • Every article has to start with an introductory sentence which explains what the article is about. The article name itself and its pseudonyms are listed in the introductoty sentence in bold type. Example:
    Trooper John served as a radio operator on the battleship XY etc. ...
  • The article is to be divided into paragraphs. The necessary source code ranges from = Example = to ==== Example ====, which creates captions on different levels.
  • Important: Behind every paragraph and every important information you have to insert a footnote, e.g.: <sup>1</sup>.<br> In the final text this is displayed as <sup>1</sup> * First the descriptive/ explanatory paragraphs are shown (general information, description etc., please check existing articles for this), then the next paragraph deals with the history (in chronological order) followed by other information, lists (e.g. well-known individuals) and remarks. * <span style="color:yellow">'''Important:'''</span> At the end of the article the paragraph [[Sources]] is included. Here you list and link all sources (including relevant page numbers) together with their corrsponding footnote you used in the article text. Example:<br>* <sup>1</sup>: <nowiki>[[Source 1]], p. 4
    * 2: [[Source 2]], p. 55-60
    * 3: [[Source 3]], p. 2 etc.
    • If the article already lists multiple sources but does not contain any footnotes (this is the case for many older articles) you have to number all existing sources in the order they are listed in the article (i.e. do not use the number "1" for your own source and leave the others unnumbered). In addition you have to ad the tag {{footnotes}} at the top of the article to show other editors that the paragraphs still have to be sourced.
  • In order to organize articles and to be able to find them you have to put the article into the right category. It is recommended to check which Categories already exist and which categories have been used in similar articles.
  • If the article does not contain all the information that can be found in the listed sources it is called a Stub. To show this status the tag {{Stub}} is inserted at the beginning of the article.


  • WICHTIG: Ausschließlich offizielle Bilder verwenden, selbst eigene Fotos von bemalten Miniaturen sind nicht erlaubt.
  • WICHTIG: Bilder müssen vor dem Hochladen auf den relevanten Bereich zurechtgeschnitten werden (d.h. keine überproportional großen weißen Flächen etc.). Keine Gruppenbilder von Miniaturen verwenden, soweit möglich eine einzelne Miniatur pro Bild.
  • Zum Hochladen von Bilder in der linken Leiste auf "Hochladen" klicken, dann wird man zur entsprechenden Seite geleitet.
  • Unter "Quelldatei" wählt man das Verzeichnis und die Datei auf dem eigenen Rechner aus, die hochgeladen werden soll.
  • Unter "Zielname" gibt man den Namen ein, unter dem das Bild in der Datenbank abgelegt wird. Hierbei ist darauf zu achten, dass ausschließlich sinnvolle Namen gewählt werden, also beispielsweise keine sinnlosen Zahlen- und/ oder Buchstabenkombinationen, sondern einTitel, bei dem der Name beschreibt, was das Bild tatsächlich darstellt.
  • Unter "Beschreibung/ Quelle" wird eine kurze Beschreibung des Bildes inklusive interner Links (siehe oben) eingefügt.
  • WICHTIG: Alle Bilder sind unter "Copyright-Status" mit dem Copyright-Verweis {{copyright}} zu versehen, dies wird automatisch umgewandelt in:

center|750 px

  • WICHTIG: Alle Bilder sind mit korrekten Quellen zu versehen. Fußnoten sind in diesem Fall nicht nötig, da ein Bild logischerweise nur aus einer bestimmten Quelle entnommen worden sein kann.
  • WICHTIG: Alle Bilder sind in die korrekten Bilderkategorien einzuordnen, diese finden sich hier (Achtung: Unterkategorien momentan nur durch "Durchklicken" zu finden). Die Kategorie muss im Feld "Quelle" im Format [[Kategorie:Bilder (XY)]] eingegeben werden.


Hier ein paar Vorgaben, um eine möglichst reibungslose Kommunikation auf den Diskussionsseiten zu gewährleisten.

  • Neue Diskussionsthemen (chronologisch) werden unten angefügt.
  • Bitte immer mit --~~~~ (2 Bindestriche und 4 Tilden) oder dem vorletzten Button Bild:Schaltfläche Unterschrift.jpg, über dem Eingabefeld, unterschreiben. Das erzeugt automatisch eine Unterschrift mit Zeitstempel.
  • Falls man auf einen bestimmten Kommentar antworten will, setzt man einen Doppelpunkt an den Anfang der Zeile. Auf diese Weise entsteht eine hierarchische (eingerückte) Satz-Struktur. Beispiel:

Argument A

Argument B als Antwort auf A
Argument C als Antwort auf B
Argument D als Antwort auf A
  • Keine persönlichen Angriffe oder Beleidigungen, sachlich bleiben und sich an die Netiquette halten.